About Equine Insight LLC

Kristin now owns her own business - Equine Insight LLC. As an equine specialist and traveling instructor/trainer, she helps people to better understand their horses through natural horsemanship. She helps her riders progress to reach their own individual goals. While some of her clients event competitively, Kristin gives equal attention to those just starting out or those who just want to be safe and comfortable with their horse. She has a far reaching reputation for loading difficult horses in trailers and desensitizing with her clinic techniques used to train therapy horses.
You can often see Kristin in the competition ring or on the trail setting a hunter pace time or doing trail maintenance. She is involved with many nonprofit organizations. She is a long time LCRVHC (Lower CT River Valley Horsemens Club) member and past president. She is a founding member of the Bridle Path Conservancy. Kristin also organized Lord Creek Farm Horse Trials. for 12 years, and has been the president of the Westbrook Land Conservation Trust.
Kristin is a strong advocate for getting involved with what is important to you.
You can often see Kristin in the competition ring or on the trail setting a hunter pace time or doing trail maintenance. She is involved with many nonprofit organizations. She is a long time LCRVHC (Lower CT River Valley Horsemens Club) member and past president. She is a founding member of the Bridle Path Conservancy. Kristin also organized Lord Creek Farm Horse Trials. for 12 years, and has been the president of the Westbrook Land Conservation Trust.
Kristin is a strong advocate for getting involved with what is important to you.